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Will checking your credit score cause it to drop?

By Herb Weisbaum, The Consumerman

Good credit is important. Bad credit can make it difficult – or more expensive – to get a loan or credit card, rent an apartment, or get cell phone service.

Surveys show few people truly understand how the system works: What makes their credit scores go up, and what causes them to plunge.

Does checking your credit score make it drop? Nearly 2 out of 5 people surveyed by NerdWallet think it does.

It does not. Checking your own credit scores does not hurt your score. In fact, keeping track of your credit scores is a good habit. It can help you better understand your finances and help detect inaccurate information in your credit file.

Keeping track of your scores is also a quick way to spot financial fraud. If it drops suddenly for no obvious reason, you could be the victim of identity theft.More Info:To Your Credit: Understanding How Credit Scores Work

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